UK and EU Seal the Deal: Let the Innovation Begin!

Exciting news for innovators! The UK and EU have signed an agreement, unlocking a new era of possibilities for groundbreaking research and innovation. 

New updates for the United Kingdom (UK) research community! On December 4, 2023, the UK and the European Union (EU) officially signed an agreement, welcoming (back) the UK into Horizon Europe. This means more opportunities for groundbreaking research and innovation!

What's the Buzz?

Horizon Europe is the EU's prized program for research and innovation, boasting a €95.5 billion budget until 2027. It's all about tackling big challenges like climate change, boosting competitiveness, and supporting science. According to the agreement, as of 1 January 2024 researchers and organisations in the UK will be able to participate in the EU’s research and innovation programme, Horizon Europe, on equal terms with their counterparts in the EU member states. The UK will also participate in the EU's earth observation programme, Copernicus, and have access to the EU’s space surveillance and tracking services.

Why Does It Matter?

The UK's association with Horizon Europe is a game-changer for research and innovation projects. Horizon Europe is not a typical funding programme for new investments, but focuses on:

  • Science and Technology: fueling EU’s scientific and technological excellence and the strengthening the European Research Area (ERA)

  • Society: tackling policy priorities, including green and digital transitions and Sustainable Development Goals

  • Economy: boosting Europe's innovation uptake, competitiveness and jobs

How to Jump In?

You could secure Horizon Europe funding for projects that:

  • Engage in pioneering research or develop new technologies

  • Enhance research training and development or improve research infrastructure

  • Stimulate growth in sectors such as advanced manufacturing, materials, biotechnology, information and communication technology, nanotechnology, and space

  • Boost private investment in research

  • Address challenges such as climate change, food security, or healthcare for an aging population

Contact Hickey to Learn More

Ready to ride the innovation wave? Contact Hickey and Associates for more information on Horizon Europe. Get in touch with us today to learn more about how your innovative project can benefit. Don't miss out on new opportunities!


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